Sunday, November 30, 2008

Good times, kids. Good times.

I got the End-of-Year Sex Quiz yesterday. Thought it might be fun to post it here...

Copy the quiz, paste it into the comments, change my answers to yours, and post it.

What turns you on the most?
  • a really good kiss

Does size matter?
  • it's not the size of the pencil, it's how he signs his name

Most times in one day?
  • three, maybe? i really don't remember my young-and-randy days when i had time on my hands and nothing better to do

Most orgasms in one session?
  • two

What do you think about during sex?
  • these days, not much.

Ever had a 3some?
  • not yet, but i'm working on it.

often do you "do it by hand"?
  • not often. a few times/month, maybe.

Would you rather have oral only or intercourse only?
  • intercourse only

Oral or anal?
  • oral

Favorite position?
  • doggie

What's better - someone you care about, or a one night stand?
  • depends on the cast of characters. i've had some pretty awesome one night stands with people i care(d) about

Would you rather have a tryst in a completely dark bedroom, naked, with a locked door, or fully clothed in a semi-public place in broad daylight?
  • broad daylight

Is it better to give or receive?
  • give

Most embarassing moment during an intimate encounter?
  • finding out the roommate wasn't asleep

Is there anyone from your sexual past that you'd want to have one more night with?
  • of course

If so, who? (First names or initials only, please!)
  • MS, MC, RB, SH

Have you ever played with food a la 9 1/2 Weeks?
  • don't think so

Most unusual place you've ever had sex?
  • chapter room of sorority house

How old were you when you lost your virginity?
  • 17