Sunday, May 13, 2007

How pure are you?

it's been a long time since i took the purity test. wow - have i come a long way since i was 18!!! :) so, kids, how pure are you?? I'm only 43% pure now. and there are a number of things that are still on my 'to do' list. some of you may know what those are - the rest of you can just wonder! (clue: no animals or excrement involved)

So go - take the test. let us know how pure YOU are.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The kink test - take 2

I took the kink test awhile ago, and I thought it might be fun to retake it. They must have changed some of the questions, because this time my score was 622, which is a "major league kinkster." ooo...moving up in the kink world!

So, kiddos - how kinky are you? take the test and share your scores.

Ah...the power of cheese....

Given this excess of sexual energy, I decided to flip through my unfinished story files and see if I could get another story in the can. Imagine my surprise when I found Part 3 of one of my personal faves, complete except for the final sex scene. What was I thinking??? So I got that wrapped up nicely and it was published today on site #1, along with the "Dear Diary" story I finished the other day. I'll get it submitted to literotica later today, which means it'll be up there within a week (they're much slower about posting submissions, probably due to the sheer volume they receive). I'm feeling quite pleased with myself. :P And I finally got laid last night. It was freakin' fantastic. My knees were killing me, but that's not why I saw stars!!

Now if I could just convince myself that my regular work is as gratifying as writing erotica....

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

What's your kink?

What's your kink type?


You live to serve! You're most excited when someone else takes the reins and controls the situation. You're happy to do whatever will make your partner happy, even if it isn't your favorite thing to do. In the bedroom, you aim to please. Your motto is, "Yes Sir/Ma'am!"
Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by

Making progress

Well, I channeled some of that sexual energy into finishing up a story I'd been working on for awhile. My beta readers - mentioned in a previous post - will be quite happy to get to the ending, I think. They've received their draft copies, as has another writer friend, and now I'm just waiting for feedback.

And because I've been thinking alot about that crossing the line idea, I'm working on a story with that as a theme. I think it might just turn out to be one of my hotter reads.

One of the most difficult parts of being a writer is that I tend to procrastinate. I noodle on a story for a long time before sitting down to put it on paper. And then, I find myself getting close to the end, and I have to take a break for awhile. Let the story simmer awhile before I close it out. I'm not sure what that says about me as a person.

I've also been noodling a lot on what makes a woman sensuous. Here's a list of characteristics I've come up with so far:
  • tactile
  • hedonistic
  • uses all her senses to experience something
  • isn't afraid to take risks when the time is right
  • mirrors body language
  • leads but doesn't push
  • values "soft and slow" and uses them to her advantage
  • pays as much attention to what's not said as what is said
  • makes him feel like the center of her world at that moment
  • savors every experience to the fullest

Anything you'd add to that list? I'd love to know....

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Blame it on the moon

It's a rough day today for Bedtime Storyteller. I'm about to crawl out of my skin with desire, and there's not a darn thing I can do about it.

Don't you just hate seeing someone you have a past with, remembering how great it was, and how easy it would be to just fall right back into the old habits? How you know that if you run your hand up his thigh, or suck very gently on his earlobe, he'll turn to you with those soft lips and make love to your mouth? How the sound of his voice can still make your panties damp, and if you close your eyes you can still taste him?'s been that kind of day.

It doesn't help matters any that I'm at my most fertile right now, and I'm guessing that my hormones must be in major overdrive. I've not been this horny in...well...a long time. I feel like a hormone with feet. The weather has finally been nice, and I like to drive with the sunroof open and the windows down, particularly in the evening, when the breeze is warm but not too hot, and I can smell the river. But even the feel of the breeze on my skin feels like a lover's hands, and it's sensory overload.

I think I need to just lock myself in a room alone before I get into trouble.

I ran across an interesting article about the effect of the moon, a woman's cycle, and her desire. Here's one particularly telling quote:

Nature has an ingenious way of attracting a prospective mate to us. Hormones are secreted into the air by our bodies that tell others around us that our bodies are ripe and ready for fertilization. Many of us feel at our peak during this time projecting vivacious, sexy vibes while we exude our heated pheromones.

So I'm blaming it on the moon. And pheromones. And anything else I can think of.

This might be a good time to get a few of those stories finished. If I can't act on it, maybe my characters can!

Sunday, May 06, 2007


Sexual resonance. A friend commented recently that I have this sexual resonance that pulls people in. That I'm more comfortable with my sexuality than this person is.

I'd never heard that before. So I checked with another friend, who confirmed it. She, on the other hand, is even more comfortable with her sexuality than I am.

And then I was curious. What exactly is "sexual resonance"? Here's how one blogger described it:
One way to define "sexual chemistry" is as a kind of resonance. (defined as: "energetic vibrations of a body produced by application of a periodic force of nearly the same frequency as that part of the free vibration of the affected body")..... sexual chemistry occurs when there is resonance between two people ...... YOU RESONATE WITH (OR ARE TUNED ON BY) PEOPLE WHOSE VIBRATIONAL ENERGY IS SIMILAR TO YOURS. if I have a sexual resonance, people who pick up on that must have a similar sexual energy. Interesting, don't you think?

And perhaps that sexual resonance is what makes some erotic stories so much more believable than others. If the reader can pick up on a sexual resonance between the characters, or even of one of the characters, the reader can become that much more involved in the story. I think that's what makes some erotic stories seem 'flat' - there's little or no real chemistry between the characters. It would be interesting to compare erotic stories based on fact vs. those that are purely fiction in terms of their perceived sexual resonance. My hypothesis is that those based on fact would have a higher degree of sexual resonance than those with no factual basis.

Returning to my conversations with my friends that launched this who discussion in the first place ---- I got to thinking, what exactly is it about me that people perceive as a sexual resonance? I'm not in the habit of dressing in provocative or revealing clothes, I don't do a lot of casual touching in most settings, even with close friends, although I will admit to being a hugger. My close friends know I write erotica. Some of them also read what I write. Some of them are featured in stories I've written. But when I think back to others I've felt that chemistry with, people who were not surveyed for my informal research, even I can't explain what attracted us to each other, just that the chemistry was very evident and immediate.

So what about you, dear readers? What are your thoughts on sexual resonance or chemistry? Had it? Looking for it? Think it's a bunch of hooey? Discuss amongst yourselves...

Friday, May 04, 2007

Crossing the line...

I'm wondering if any of you have ever crossed the line between friendship and fantasy. This seems to be a common theme in a lot of erotic stories, and I wonder is it because people *want* to do it and are afraid to, or because people actually do and then feel compelled to "confess" it in a story?

Over the years, I've gone down that road a few times, and never with disastrous consequences. Oftentimes, it's been a kind of goodbye fling, with one of us leaving and we just said goodbye a little more intimately than we had planned. And it's not always sex - sometimes it was just a serious make-out session, as though we had to get something out of our systems before we parted ways.

I can't think of any situations in which our friendships ended as a result, either. I've been really fortunate in that regard - my friends are my friends. For example, there was Ian - we were really good friends our first 2 years of college. He dated one of my friends, we hung out a lot, had classes together, and partied together. At the end of our sophomore year, he was transferring to another school. And so, the night before graduation at our huge end-of-year annual bash, we hooked up. (And the sex, from what I recall, was pretty darn amazing, although the location left a little to be desired.) Several years ago, we found each other on the 'net, and started talking again - it was as though we had just been separated for a summer, rather than the 6 or so years it had been.

The reason I'm thinking about all this is because a friend of mine recently stepped pretty close to that line with a friend of his. She's much more comfortable with that situation than he is, but he also tends to analyze things to death and does waaaay too much thinking for his own good. But it's a tough spot for both of them to be in, as they do work together as well. Not closely, but still... I think he's afraid she's going to come on to him at the office, or somehow people will find out. Knowing both of them, though, that's highly unlikely to happen. Unless, of course, he decides he needs to analyze it with someone else, and that person can't keep a lid on it. (You all know how office grapevines are, I'm sure.)

What is it about that invisible line that is so seductive? People love to flirt with that line, tapping a toe closer and closer, and then they seem surprised when they trip over it. Sure, you never want to lose a friend on account of one night of curiousity, but I do have to say that sometimes your friendship can be so much better once that curiosity is sated. The air is cleared, the tension is gone, and you can go back to being the good friends you were before.

I'm not advocating crossing the line - I'm just saying, if you're going to flirt with the idea, you need to be prepared for what happens when you do cross it. because sooner or later, you will. You're all adults - you know how this works! It's all fun and games until someone gets their feelings hurt.

Speaking of feelings, though ----- I really don't recommend flirting with that line unless you're absolutely sure that neither of you has a romantic interest in the other, or you're absolutely sure that you both have a romantic interest in each other. Because if the feeling scale is lopsided, someone WILL get hurt. But if it's just about curiosity or really good sex or whatever, and neither of you has high expectations about anything beyond that one tentative encounter, then go for it.

And yes, kids, I am all for having fuck friends when you can. There's just something about knowing you can have a good time with a good friend and not wake up in the morning with regret hanging over your head like a cloud. Life's too short for regrets, my friends.