Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Making progress

Well, I channeled some of that sexual energy into finishing up a story I'd been working on for awhile. My beta readers - mentioned in a previous post - will be quite happy to get to the ending, I think. They've received their draft copies, as has another writer friend, and now I'm just waiting for feedback.

And because I've been thinking alot about that crossing the line idea, I'm working on a story with that as a theme. I think it might just turn out to be one of my hotter reads.

One of the most difficult parts of being a writer is that I tend to procrastinate. I noodle on a story for a long time before sitting down to put it on paper. And then, I find myself getting close to the end, and I have to take a break for awhile. Let the story simmer awhile before I close it out. I'm not sure what that says about me as a person.

I've also been noodling a lot on what makes a woman sensuous. Here's a list of characteristics I've come up with so far:
  • tactile
  • hedonistic
  • uses all her senses to experience something
  • isn't afraid to take risks when the time is right
  • mirrors body language
  • leads but doesn't push
  • values "soft and slow" and uses them to her advantage
  • pays as much attention to what's not said as what is said
  • makes him feel like the center of her world at that moment
  • savors every experience to the fullest

Anything you'd add to that list? I'd love to know....

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