I'd never heard that before. So I checked with another friend, who confirmed it. She, on the other hand, is even more comfortable with her sexuality than I am.
And then I was curious. What exactly is "sexual resonance"? Here's how one blogger described it:
One way to define "sexual chemistry" is as a kind of resonance. (defined as: "energetic vibrations of a body produced by application of a periodic force of nearly the same frequency as that part of the free vibration of the affected body")..... sexual chemistry occurs when there is resonance between two people ...... YOU RESONATE WITH (OR ARE TUNED ON BY) PEOPLE WHOSE VIBRATIONAL ENERGY IS SIMILAR TO YOURS.
hmmm....so if I have a sexual resonance, people who pick up on that must have a similar sexual energy. Interesting, don't you think?
And perhaps that sexual resonance is what makes some erotic stories so much more believable than others. If the reader can pick up on a sexual resonance between the characters, or even of one of the characters, the reader can become that much more involved in the story. I think that's what makes some erotic stories seem 'flat' - there's little or no real chemistry between the characters. It would be interesting to compare erotic stories based on fact vs. those that are purely fiction in terms of their perceived sexual resonance. My hypothesis is that those based on fact would have a higher degree of sexual resonance than those with no factual basis.
Returning to my conversations with my friends that launched this who discussion in the first place ---- I got to thinking, what exactly is it about me that people perceive as a sexual resonance? I'm not in the habit of dressing in provocative or revealing clothes, I don't do a lot of casual touching in most settings, even with close friends, although I will admit to being a hugger. My close friends know I write erotica. Some of them also read what I write. Some of them are featured in stories I've written. But when I think back to others I've felt that chemistry with, people who were not surveyed for my informal research, even I can't explain what attracted us to each other, just that the chemistry was very evident and immediate.
So what about you, dear readers? What are your thoughts on sexual resonance or chemistry? Had it? Looking for it? Think it's a bunch of hooey? Discuss amongst yourselves...
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